with monk fruit and so that way we can figure out like if
they're good or not so that's that's all about me today what's up everybody so
we are still on I think this is day 5 it's 9:25 at night I just got home from
clogging practice because I go to college and practice on Tuesdays and I am
actually hungry the last thing I ate was like around lunchtime I had that like
rice thing that I made in the insta pot with the bacon and the bone broth and
it just literally it was so so good and I had eaten that and so I think yeah
that was like the only thing I ate today like I had some coffee with cream but
literally I have not eaten since then but it's too late for me to eat right now
it's 9:30 and any time I eat like pasta 8 o'clock
I literally feel so like sick and nauseous in the morning actually maybe I should make some can we all make a little bit of the bone broth concentrate that I just got because maybe that wouldn't make me feel sick so I think I'm gonna heat up some water make a little bit of this and then probably make like some decaf coffee or tea or something I just ran to Martin's on my way home from clogging because Alvin ran out of cream and so I decided to pick up this new keto creamer that I found so this is called super creamer protein plus MCT oil I feel like it's kind of like that picnic creamer that I had but it a little bit more fat where's the okay here it is so total grams of fat or five zero carbs three grams of protein it has whey protein concentrate cream coconut MCT oil and then this one is just the unsweetened original and then I picked up the hazelnut one which actually is sweetened with monk fruit yes so it has natural maple flavor natural hazelnut flavor and monk fruit in it and I was gonna pick up the vanilla one and of course they were out of it like I literally just went there a couple days ago and that's when I saw these I think it even says Kido yeah right there it says keto and yeah so like I was just so mad because I went to go grab all three of them because I wanted to try them all three at once so I could you know figure out which ones I liked and they were out of the vanilla so apparently probably the vanilla is better than everything else but whatever so I made myself a cup with the bone broth I did add a little bit more salt because I don't know if I have more water in the cup than what I'm supposed to buy it just tasted not as salty as I
I literally feel so like sick and nauseous in the morning actually maybe I should make some can we all make a little bit of the bone broth concentrate that I just got because maybe that wouldn't make me feel sick so I think I'm gonna heat up some water make a little bit of this and then probably make like some decaf coffee or tea or something I just ran to Martin's on my way home from clogging because Alvin ran out of cream and so I decided to pick up this new keto creamer that I found so this is called super creamer protein plus MCT oil I feel like it's kind of like that picnic creamer that I had but it a little bit more fat where's the okay here it is so total grams of fat or five zero carbs three grams of protein it has whey protein concentrate cream coconut MCT oil and then this one is just the unsweetened original and then I picked up the hazelnut one which actually is sweetened with monk fruit yes so it has natural maple flavor natural hazelnut flavor and monk fruit in it and I was gonna pick up the vanilla one and of course they were out of it like I literally just went there a couple days ago and that's when I saw these I think it even says Kido yeah right there it says keto and yeah so like I was just so mad because I went to go grab all three of them because I wanted to try them all three at once so I could you know figure out which ones I liked and they were out of the vanilla so apparently probably the vanilla is better than everything else but whatever so I made myself a cup with the bone broth I did add a little bit more salt because I don't know if I have more water in the cup than what I'm supposed to buy it just tasted not as salty as I
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